Are you an Estate agent? Maybe you are buying or selling a house or building of some sort? Wood Borer is a serious threat to your investment and can end up costing you thousands. Wood Borer Gordons Bay team of experts can diagnose and treat any level of infestation fast and effectively.
Wood Borer Beetles come in all shapes and sizes. They attach different timber in different stages of life. Some are even specific to the part of a specific timber they attack. Know your wood, know the age of it and you will know the Wood Borer Beetles that will commonly attack the wood and the evidence they leave behind. Wood Borer Gordons Bay Expert Entomologists can do the above thus guaranteeing results every time.
The Wood Borer Gordons Bay team are registered and trained to perform Fumigations and timber treatments.
When it comes to identifying Wood Borer Gordons Bay out team are the best. With a wealth of industry knowledge and tips gained by hands on experience any job can be completed without a hitch. Our team here at Wood Borer Gordons Bay can confirm that the most common Borer Beetle identified and treated as a house hold Pest are the following:
Common Furniture Beetle (Anobium punctatum)
These Beetles are number one on our list as a Wood Destroying Pest. They are about 2.7mm – 4.4mm in Length and have brown capsule shaped bodies with a distinctive “monks cowl” shape on their pro-thorax. These insects are known to attack moist wood in an environment 60% moisture. They normally only attach seasoned sapwood timber and not fresh or live wood. These beetle are often found in old wooden houses where the timber has not been treated. These beetles have a long life span and activity may only be evident after about 3-4 years.
House Longhorn Beetle (Hylotrupes bajulus)
Also known as the Italian Beetle are a cosmopolitan beetle found across the world. They commonly attach fresh sapwood and soft wood timbers. Although they are sometimes called Old House Beetles they are more common in Newer Houses that contain untreated timber. Adults are Brown-Black and have an off grey fur on their body. Their emergent holes are about 6mm – 10mm and are oval. Wood Borer Gordons Bay treatments for these beetles include Fumigations with Methyl Bromide gas and Timber Preservation by means of residual chemicals.
Powder Post Beetle (Lyctus brunneus)
Is a dark brown to reddish brown shiny beetle, their max length is about 7mm. They have a flattened elongated body with club shaped antennae. These guys feed off hardwoods but stay away from the heart wood of trees. The powder Post Beetle gets its name from the frass it produces, this is a fine nearly talc like powder. Wood Borer Gordons Bay team of exterminators find these beetles hard to treat because of their fine minute holes left behind barely enough space fro successful treatment.
Wood Borer Gordons Bay is a specialized field and should only be undertaken by trained professional staff.
The List of Wood Borer Gordons Bay goes on for miles. Only a few of them are of any significance in our field of expertise. Luckily for you we at Pest Control Cape Town Can identify the species and treat them accordingly. We also have the knowledge and insight to determine the possibility of an infestation to spread or hide.
There are only a handful of methods registered and effective against Wood Borer here in Gordons Bay. We utilize the safest most effective methods for fewer comebacks and guaranteed results.
If you reside in or around the greater Gordons Bay area and think you need the service of a Professional Wood Borer Gordons Bay Inspector, give us a call. Out skilled teams can provide free no obligation quotations and Wood Borer inspections for peace of mind. We are also happy to help with general hints and tips of preventing pests in your home or work place. Bird Proofing, Stored Products or Bacteria, no job is too big or too small.