Rodent Control Lotus River is one of the most important services that Pest Control Cape Town has to offer. With an open minded and unique approach to all aspects of Rodent Exterminations. Our experts provide only the best, most friendly, comprehensive and safe Rodent treatments on the Pest Management market. With an arsenal of helpful hints and advice gained through decades of experience no wonder the Rodent Control Lotus River team is on top of their game. Just because Rodents may feed on pest Insects such as Cockroaches and Ticks isn’t reason enough to keep them around.
Why is it necessary for Rodent Control Lotus River?
- Rodents spread disease, Rodents such as Rats and Mice are vectors for disease, due to the nature of these animals they defecate and urinate as they walk or run. This means they go toilet while chomping away at your breakfast cereals or chocolates stored in that mouse infested cupboard. They also carry bacteria and pathogens from their last food source on their paws to your work surfaces or food cupboards.
- Rodents damage stored goods, pest Rodents that frequent Lotus River areas are known to cause damage to structures, stored food as well as clothing and linen. Rats, Mice and many other Rodents are social creatures and are rarely found alone, in groups they destroy books, paper and textiles to build nests. They ransack food cupboards, solo’s and stores contaminating and collecting food for their nest and young.
- Rodents can even cause electric fires, its not common to find Rats and Mice living in your roof or garage. Rodents have this great ability to find ingress to even the most tough spots. Quite often Rodent damage has been found in these areas. Wires from motor vehicles are gnawed at make instruments not function as they should. Cables in roof spaces are devoured to keep their chisel like teeth at bay. The electricity and potential shorts caused by such damage is enough to start an electrical fire. Although quite rare, it can happen.
What diseases are carried by Rats, Mice and other Rodents here in Lotus River?
Rats and Mice are well known vectors for dangerous diseases and pathogens. There are two ways in which Rodents can transmit these to humans. There are indirect and direct methods. Direct methods are those that Rodents spread as a result of urine and fecal matter where as indirect methods are those spread by Insects such as Fleas and other organisms that thrive close to rodent activity.
Below are a few more common disease carried and little about them. This list is for reference only and is by all means not a completed list all diseases. For a more in depth list of diseases click here.
What do the Experts at Rodent Control Lotus River do differently?
Although Rodents are a general Pest and Nuisance species throughout Lotus River. We have tailored a unique and safer approach to all control methods.
The Rodent Control Lotus River team of technicians are trained in our tailored 4 step control system. This system is put in place for a holistic approach to Rodent Management. Below is a little about what we do differently during Rodent Management.
- Identify the type and level of infestation, rather than aimlessly scattering harmful rodent poison. The staff here at Cape Town Pest Control identify the species and level of identification. This is done by investigating the evidence found. Droppings, urine pillars, smear marks, damage and some other means are identified. This gives us a pretty accurate level of infestation and type of infestation.
- Identify the cause of the infestation, the cause and location of the infestation is then identified. This may be due to a number of factors that influence the sustainability of a Rodent Infestation. Rodent Control Lotus River professionals identify poor housekeeping and Hygiene practices as the number one cause of Rodent Infestations. Rats, Mice and other Rodents need harbourage and a constant food source to thrive. Environmental factors such as availability to food via fruit trees, garbage bags and animal food. Along with harbourage created by dense foliage in gardens, gaps under patio’s and Wendy houses as well as old building rubble create the ideal conditions for any Pest Species.
- Safer Rodent Control, after the Identification of the Rodent species and the location and cause of infestation. The team at Rodent Control Lotus River apply safer control methods. These to include baits, traps and dusting. The above are used where safe, out of the reach of children and animals. Kept in tamper resistant bait stations where necessary, this prevents non target species from accidental ingestion.
- Make recommendations for long term results, our Rodent Control Lotus River experts then talks to our clients and identify potential changes that can be made for the greater good. These recommendations may be structural or just general good housekeeping practices. Rodent Control Lotus River team of experts believe in long term results and thrive to help clients achieve them.
Rodent Control Lotus River exercise caution during all Rodent baiting procedures.
Rodenticides are dangerous even in the best of times, here at Pest Control Cape Town the Rodent Control Lotus River team of experts only use highly palatable multiple feed baits. Multiple feed baits greatly reduce the chances or secondary poisoning of pets and preying wild animals such as Cats and Owls.
Combined with the usage of safer multiple feed anticoagulants, staff at Rodent Control Lotus River use tamper resistant bait stations. The use of these bait stations reduce the risk of non-target species and secures the bait in one place. These are fixed and under lock and key. This also keeps the Rodent bait cleaner, dry and palatable for longer periods of time.
Baiting with tamper resistant bait stations over longer periods of time creates a false sense or security for feeding Rodents. The boxes appear safe because tamper proof bait boxes preserve the sent of Rodents that have fed in the box in the past, this creates a false sense of security. The scent left behind also attract nearby Rodents indicating the presence of a quality food source.
These are the more common Rodent species treated by Rodent Control Lotus River team of experts.
Rats in Cape Town
The most common Rat species found here in Lotus River are Brown Rats otherwise known as Sewer Rats or Norway Rats and the Black Rat also known as The Roof Rat or the Ship Rat.
Rats may be one of the biggest problems metropolitan cities face. Due to the ever expanding population of humans, Rats, Mice and other pest species thrive. Rats are especially a nuisance in highly populated areas. Rodent Control Lotus River experts have noticed that the poor waste disposal, littering, weak waste management and lack of Pest Control Services leave the city exposed and vulnerable to Rat Infestations.
Mice in Cape Town
The two most common species of Mice found here in Lotus River are House mice and Field Mice, in most instances House Mice infest homes whereas Field Mice infest gardens and barns.
Mice are the smaller Rat counterparts. Although only distantly related to Rats. Only a few species of Mice actually classed as being Pests. Do not be underwhelmed by their size. These tiny Rodents can be just as much of a nuisance as Rats. The nature of their razor sharp and ever growing incisors enable them to cause extensive damage to furniture and stored food products. In more extreme cases Mice have been know to create shorts and fires by chewed electrical cables.
Moles in Cape Town
Cape Town is also home to two species of Pest Moles. The Cape Golden Mole otherwise known as a Garden Mole is the smaller of the two. Dune Mole Rats also frequent gardens and push up giant heaps of sand and soil. Although not true Moles the Dune Mole Rat lives underground and is widely regarded as a Mole.
Not all moles are Rodents, some are true Moles and in a class of their own. Regardless of species or classification these ground dwelling mammals cause unsightly damage. They devour flower bulbs and ruin landscapes. Make unsightly excavation on lawns and even drive your pets to incessantly bark. Rodent Control Lotus River identifies the species of Mole and treat them accordingly.
Squirrels in Cape Town
Although not yet classified as a Pest, the Grey Squirrel that is found in some Suburbs of Lotus River are an invasive species. No recognized method of control is currently registered, however provisions have been made to allow safe culling of the species. Grey Squirrels have the potential to diminish and destroy the environment our indigenous animals rely on. Besides the environmental impact, these Rodents cause damage to house wiring and even motor vehicles. In some cases more so than what Rats can cause. Rodent Control Lotus River and our team of Exterminators can identify rodent species and treat them effectively.
Rodent Control Lotus River are ready for any level of Rat or Mouse Infestation.
Different species or Rodents leave different traces of evidence. We identify the evidence and manage your problem in the safest most effective manor possible. If you reside in the greater Lotus River area, need the help of our Rodent Control Lotus River team of exterminators. Do not hesitate to give us a call. Our staff are friendly and always willing to help with any Pest Control related service. Our Rodent Control Lotus River team are always on standby for great hints, tips and general pest expertise.