Flea Control Harfield Village is an all to well known treatment, used by vets, dog kennels and animal lovers. Its a process by which team of professional exterminators identify the Species of Flea and treat them accordingly. Cape Town Pest Control treat Fleas by using advanced chemical technology and precision application equipment. This kills the adults, sterilizes the new Fleas that hatch and leaves a protective layer in your home or workplace for long term results.
As true as clock work, every spring after the rains. The sun comes out, the heat and humidity is perfect for a host of Biting Insects to emerge. Its at this time that the heat and humidity level provide the perfect conditions for a new cycle of Fleas to hatch. Cape Town Pest Control are proud to announce our Flea Control Harfield Village team of Biting Insect Experts.
Fleas, Bird Mites, or even Bed Bugs and other Insects that bite, thrive throughout the summer months. Pet Lovers are particularly susceptible to a Flea Outbreak. Our Flea Control Harfield Village Experts have a wealth of knowledge when is comes to Biting Insects. We can identify the problem and species, treat it at the source and furthermore recommend steps to follow for long term results.
No species of Flea are a problem for Flea Control Harfield Village
Although many people think Sand Fleas are those tiny Fleas found in the sandy areas here in Harfield Village, this isn’t always true. Most commonly found Fleas are Cat and Dog Fleas. Sand Fleas are rarely found here in Harfield Village, if they were you would certainly know about it. They are one of the most nastiest parasitic pests known to man. They burrow into your skin and lay eggs.
Flea Control Harfield Village and our team of Pest Controllers urge clients to treat pests regularly. This will help prevent a Flea infestation, remove a food source for the Fleas as well us help us control the Flea Infestation.
Other than the Sand Fleas that aren’t usually found in Harfield Village, the following are common in all fields of life. They thrive in conditions that provide a blood feed, heat, humidity and last but not least harbourage.
Cat Flea Control Harfield Village
The name suggests they are mainly found on Cats, this is simply not true. These parasitic Insects host on an array or rodents and dogs. These are the most common species found on domestic animals. As you know Fleas are small wingless Insects ranging between 1mm to 2mm, They are usually brown with a reddish tinge after a blood meal. These are ambush Insects and once on a host they aren’t usually willing to leave. Flea Control Harfield Village exterminators know where these Fleas frequent and how to treat them successfully with long term control in mind.
Dog Flea Control Harfield Village
Similar to the Cat Fleas, Dog Fleas are also Ecto-Parasitic Insects, this means they feed off blood but stay on the outside of their host rather than in their body such as parasitic worms such as Tape Worms. These fleas look nearly identical to its counter park, they host off similar animals and breed in the same areas. Dog Fleas like other parasite are responsible for a variety of blood borne diseases. The need for control in imperative for the health of pets and loved ones.
Sand Flea Control Harfield Village
Sand Fleas otherwise known as the Jigger Fleas are not a problem here in Harfield Village. The do however need an honorable mention. Sand Fleas are one of the smallest Flea Species reaching a maximum of 1mm in length. This Flea lives in sand and ambushes any warm blooded body that walks past.
Sand Fleas (Tunga penetrans), lay eggs under the epidermis of the skin. Once the eggs hatch they live off and grow under your skin forming an itchy callas. As the Sand Flea larvae grown their tunnel expands, this presses on nerves and blood vessels often causing serious discomfort.
Diseases spread by Fleas in Harfield Village
Fleas are vectors for some nasty diseases, some are common and others more rare. Regardless of the level of Flea Infestation the risk of contracting a Flea borne disease exists as long as you leave your Flea Infestation untreated. Here is a list of some of the more common Flea born diseases here in Harfield Village
- Tape Worm – Tape Worms are inordinately the most common negative effect of a Flea Infestation other that itchy bites and sleepless nights. Tape worms make them self at home in the intestines of their hosts. This could be your pets of loved ones. Tape Worms may cause nausea, cramps and vomiting. In rare cases they may cause convulsions and malnutrition.
- Murine Typhus – Murine Typhus is a Bacterial disease spread by Fleas. The symptoms of Murine Typhus start with fever and chills, nausea and vomiting with symptoms presenting from about 2 weeks after exposure.
- Black Plague – Although not common, the Bubonic plague was responsible for the deaths of millions in the 1800’s. Black plague was spread by Fleas that fed off diseases Black Rats. Symptoms of the Black Plague are high fever, swollen nymph nodes as well as weakness.
Flea Control Harfield Village are experts at Biting Insect Extermination.
Our expert Flea Control Harfield Village team have a wealth of knowledge of local parasitic insects. They understand the life cycle and the reasons for such a specialized treatment method. They carry the chemicals and equipment for full extermination ensuring long term results.
If you reside within Harfield Village of the greater Cape Town area, please no not hesitate to give us a call. Our friendly staff here at Cape Town Pest Control are ready to give no obligation free quotations for any and all Pest related exterminations. Insect identification or just general hints and tips. For Rodents or Insects choose Pest Control Cape Town.