Here in Lansdowne, Spiders plague the homes of all that live with this Phobia. The Spider Control Lansdowne team of professional Exterminators understand the fear of Spiders, Scorpions and many other Arachnids. We have tailored a specialist service to help those that have this fear. Casual Intruders plague the home of so many Capetonians and Cape Town Pest Control have the solution.
Spider Control Lansdowne has been created for those housewives, people with infants or even families that have a fear of creepy crawlies. Ever opened that old linen cupboard just to find a team of Daddy Long leg Spiders nested in the corner? What about those small Common house Spiders hidden in the cornish of your living room, just out of the reach of the feather duster of Doom.
Spider Control Lansdowne exterminate Spiders and keep them away for longer.
The Spider Control Lansdowne team understand spiders are beneficial. They eat their body weight in pest insects daily. They make beautiful webs that glisten in the sun and catch rain drops. Although most spiders prefer not to inhabit your Lansdowne Home, most spiders aren’t even venomous and those that are stay so far away from you the chances of a bite are slim.
Spiders much like Scorpions have a bad rap sheet and bites get misdiagnosed far too often. The Spider Control Lansdowne team of pest technicians often get called out to houses for the following Spiders.
Daddy Long Leg Spiders
Commonly called Cellar Spiders, these guys frequent quiet corners of homes. There is a common myth that they are highly venomous, this couldn’t be further from the truth. They are harmless unless your a fly. The Daddy Long Leg Spider if found in pretty much all homes in Lansdowne.
Black House Spiders
These spiders are frequently found in homes, they are mildly venomous with bites being very rare. These spiders frequent windowsills and garden sheds. These are not the spiders found in grass. These build webs and do not actively hunt like many others.
Rain Spider
These Spiders just so happen to be the thing nightmares are made of. Their size gives them a bad rap. They are the largest commonly found spider here in Lansdowne. They are near harmless with bites being very rare and no more painful than a Bee Sting. These spiders are so beneficial as they commonly feed off Cockroaches, Millipedes and Centipedes.
Sac Spider
According to the experts here at Spider Control Lansdowne these spiders are the most commonly found spider bites. Bites are painful and cause Necroses. The bite by a Sac Spider is Painful and needs medical attention. These fearless predators are commonly found in homes and bite during night times while they hunt. These Spiders bite in defense of being squashed while we sleep.
Spider Control Lansdowne have an odorless safe control solution for Casual Intruder Insects.
Spiders may be beneficial, they are not pests but some species may pose a threat to the health and general well being of our clients. Spiders are scary and can gain ingress to our homes in so many different ways. Without the intervention of Spider Control Lansdowne team of Pest Experts, spider extermination in a daunting thought.
Luckily for you, you have come to the right place. Cape Town Pest Control have a specialist Group of Spider Exterminators that deal with any level of infestation effortlessly.
If you believe you may have a Spider problem and need some professional help, call our Spider Control Lansdowne team of experts. Quotes are free and Obligation free. Our staff can identify common Spiders, root out the possible source and treat them accordingly. Call up right away for Spider free peace of mind.