Travel a lot? Chances are, if you have something biting you at night you have brought a few hitch hiking night terrors with you in your luggage. Bed Bug Control Durbanville is a tricky but necessary service. Bed Bugs are illusive and cause distress to those who have no idea what the cause of their bites are. Fortunately Cape Town Pest Control have the answer, we have a team of Pest Extermination Experts.
Bed Bugs are a wide spread Pest, regardless of social background status or the location of your home. Bed Bugs have no boundaries or prejudice. Bed Bug Control Durbanville can infest any and all homes, they do not need dirt or dust to survive. The general hygiene of your bed has very little to do with an infestation. Poor general hygiene may only make your infestation tougher to treat.
There is a very common misconception that Bed Bugs are a thing of Myth, they are real and are a nuisance and all round health risk. Although Bed Bugs are illusive and only prey by night they are real and give a nasty bite. Bed Bug Control Durbanville Have a specialist team that can Exterminate any level of Bed Bug or Flea Infestation.
Bed Bug Control Durbanville are a specialist team of Exterminators.
Here at Cape Town Pest Control we like to do things a little bit differently. The years of experience gathered have given us a change of perspective. Bed Bugs are illusive Insects and all care and due diligents should be taken to prevent a re occurring Infestation. Advances chemical technology for control and pheromone and heat traps are used to monitor for re infestation. Years of experience have taught us the correct procedures to follow for fast, safe and effective Bed Bug Control Durbanville.
Here are some interesting facts about Bed Bugs from Bed Bug Control Durbanville:
- Bed Bugs can live everywhere: As long as there is a constant supply of food (a Blood meal), Bed bugs can live on Trains, Planes and even single family homes.
- Bed Bugs aren’t just Common in Urban Jungles: Although they are more prevalent in cities, Bed bugs have no borders. They are found frequently in low populated rural areas.
- Bed Bugs are tough Insects: Over the years many populations of Bed Bugs have built up an Immunity to Pesticides, they are hard to squish and can even go several months without a blood feed.
- Bed Bugs are professionals at anesthesiology: Their bites are fast and nearly painless. Their saliva doubles as a local anesthetic and thins your blood.
Bed Bug Control Durbanville will be the last Pest Control Company you need.
The Bed Bug Control Durbanville team of Pest Exterminators do not only deal with Biting Insects such as Mosquitoes and Spiders. We are the Masters of all aspects of structural Pest Control. Rodents and Insects, regardless of the situation or level of Infestation we have you covered.
If you reside in the greater Durbanville area, feel free to call Bed Bug Control Durbanville, part of Cape Town Pest Control. We have a wide array of quality services for any and all your needs. Free no obligation quotations and helpful hints and tips.